Lindsay Vann

Building a Premier Sport Education Program

Business education allows you to either learn how to make money out of what you love doing or discover that what you love doing, doesn’t make any money.  In today’s episode, Bob Heere joins us to discuss the importance of adding the business component to our passion. Bob is a Professor and Director of Sports…

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Building Esports Stadiums Across America and Canada

At this point, there’s no doubt esports is here to stay, and it is definitely going somewhere, although it is a bit hard to predict exactly where.  In today’s episode, Angela Bernard Thomas and Michael Williams join us to talk about Glytch and share a glimpse of where they see esports heading. Angela is the…

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Combining the Worlds of Gaming Events and Cannabis

Although many people depict esports as a consolidated forest of redwood trees, our guest, Christopher LaPorte, believes the industry is still grass. It has the potential to become a multi-billion dollar industry, but we are not there yet. Christopher is the Founder of RESET, a cannabis hospitality management company specializing in creating venues and events…

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The Startup Helping Partnerships Excel Through Better Data

Entrepreneurs rely a lot on their gut; sometimes, they decide to follow a hunch, and many of those times, they hit the bullseye. Still, there can’t be a better decision than the one based on data. Today’s guest, Alex Kerr, has been on both sides of the counter in the agency/brand relationship and came up…

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From Grammy-Nominated Producer to the World of Gaming

You can have the best boxing coach to teach you how to throw and dodge punches, the best way to walk the ring, and how to train to avoid gassing out during a fight. Still, until you get hit in the face, there is no way to know how you’ll assimilate that punch and react…

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Becoming One of the Fittest Men in the World

Already described as “The most interesting Ironman in the World” and the “Fittest and Mentally Toughest 66-Year-Old in the World,” our guest, Robert Hamilton Owens, turned fitness and health into a lifestyle.  Robert is a keynote speaker, leadership and management development coach, mediator, crisis coach, and former Air Force Pararescue. He finished the World Marathon…

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How To Optimize the Relationship Between Brands and Influencers

Solving an issue, a community is struggling with is an excellent way of assuring success in that particular space, yet it’s not the only way. As long as you get the audience’s tone correctly, you can do a great job at entertaining, and you’ll still manage to achieve great success.  Felix Lahaye joins us today,…

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Understanding the Business Side of Esports

One of the issues with esports is that, so far, it has been treated as a gamers’ activity instead of a business. That particular view, slowly but surely, has started to change. Meet Angela Bernhard Thomas, EVP of Collegiate Sports Management Group and EsportsU, and Founder at A-Game Esports.  A lifelong admirer of art and…

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Learning to Take Accountability and Control of Your Life

Consequences aren’t necessarily negative; we can learn a lot from the results of our actions. By acknowledging that and taking accountability for our decisions, we not only learn from our mistakes but empower ourselves.  In this episode, Robert Hunt and Salem Thyne join us to talk about “Nobody Cares… Until You Do,” the book they…

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The Power of Esports Clubs in Schools

Andy Mendez joins us to talk about the importance of supporting esports at the high school level, how it’ll make the process of creating endemic people in the space even smoother, and everything students must know to start an esports club at their high schools. Andy Mendez is the Executive Director of the Illinois High…

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