Fueling Esports Elite Athletes With Josh Otero
Esports doesn’t require its athletes to lift heavy weights, sprint, or compete on a field. Still, it demands high levels of concentration, massive cognitive efforts, and tons of hand-eye coordination, which translates into burning a significant amount of calories. They’re a different type of athlete, but definitely athletes.
That is why their nutrition is as crucial as traditional athlete’s nutrition, and that is why Josh Otero and his team created NutriGMR.
Josh Otero is the Co-Founder and CEO at NutriGMR; he has been a sports technology entrepreneur since 2013. Josh is a lifelong athlete, and he was always passionate about helping people live healthier lives and using technology to improve people’s overall wellness and fitness.
In this episode, we talked about Josh’s background as an athlete, which started when he was 18 months old. Josh shared why he decided to introduce his product into the gaming industry and how it can improve gamers’ and esports athletes’ lives. We also talked about Josh’s vision of giving back to the community and the importance of community building.
You can connect with Josh on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshotero/
or visit the NutriGMR website: https://nutrigmr.com/
Connect with Dr. Marc on Twitter: https://twitter.com/docspitsfire06
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/docspitsfire06/
Full Episode Breakdown:
3:02 – Dr. Marc introduces today’s guest, Josh Otero.
4:47 – Josh speaks about the health and wellness trends raising up and how beneficial that is for the industry.
8:06 – Josh shares the story of how he decided to get into the industry to improve gamers’ health.
11:34 – Josh speaks about how hard it was the learning curve to get into the gaming and esports industry.
17:47 – Dr. Marc and Josh talk about the importance of building a community.
19:32 – Josh talks about the work of NutriGMR with HBCUs and the military.
22:35 – Dr. Marc and Josh discuss why it is essential to give back to a community we are not affiliated with.
25:15 – Josh talks about NutriGMR’s properties and benefits and what we can expect from the brand in the following months.
28:23 – Josh talks about the scientists behind the research and the creation of NutriGMR.