Leading the Next Generation of Esports Execs With Harley Parks
Certain stereotypes surround esports organizations, like white men in their mid-twenties, running around and baking crazy content. There are also companies focused on their region, perhaps not considering diversity seriously.
Those are some of the reasons why Harley Parks decided to create BearClaw Esports, an organization headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
At age 17, Harley Parks is the CEO of BearClaw Esports and High School Student. She is also CEO of Soarose Networking and Security, President GameOn Korea of ASEAN Youth Organization, Esports Consultant at MAP Esports Network, Inc, and Esports Manager at Medusa Gaming Sdn Bhd. She is also a passionate gamer and an avid reader.
In this episode, we talked about Harley’s many roles and what BearClaw Esports is bringing into the industry. We dive deep into her experiences at school and the inspiration and guidance from her parents into gaming. Harley kindly shared her vision of the American Education System and the things she would change.
You can connect with Harley on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harley-parks-bearclawarmy/
or on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bearclawharley
You can also visit BearClaw Esports’ website: https://bearclawesports.co/
Esports Futuri E-Zine Podcast is part of the Esports Futuri Podcast Network. To listen to this podcast and any of our other shows, visit: esportsfpn.com.