Meet Matthew Hixon of Gamers Glorified
Meet Matthew Hixon of Gamers Glorified. Gamers Glorified works with youth gamers by giving them a social outlet where they can come together in a safe environment, learn new games, and make new friends.
To learn more about Gamers Glorified, visit: GamersGlorified.com
Full Episode Q&A
Why did you get involved in esports? What was your entry point and what is your current role?: I’ve been a competitive and professional gamer since 1999
Why did you decide to become a member of ESTA?: Because of ESTA Network and connections.
Tell us 3 fun/unexpected facts you would like us to mention when we introduce you?: Born in England, I have dual citizenship, I’m the only Lefty in my family
Since you’ve entered the esports industry, what has been the biggest industry change or trend that you’ve seen? Have you felt the impact of this change?: The Biggest change is that other major companies and industries are now looking into Esports.
What is your favorite esports title, genre, and/or esports passion?: Genre Fighting Games, passion coaching & teaching.
We are all about making a real connection – not talk about just business – what’s the most FUN or craziest thing that happened to you this past year?: I entered Combo Breaker 2022 and placed top 3, top 8, and top 8 in three I’ve never played or competed in
Tell us about a situation that you can look back on and say that it defined, or really influenced you as you are now or doing what you are doing now? A “fork in the road” moment?: Becoming the Head Esports Coach of Kishwaukee College
Has there been a moment in your life or career when you realized that you have reached a certain level of satisfaction with your position or status? If you became an influencer in your space has this happened?: Satisfaction brings content, I never want to be content, that means I’ll stop growing and striving to accomplish new things.
What lies ahead for you? What is your biggest goal for the year ahead?: Acquiring more schools for my programs and to attend at least 2 more schools this year while hiring more employees.
What is your parting advice for the industry?: In order to survive we have to work together we cannot be in competition with one another. We all have to bring value to one another while simultaneously staying in your lane.