Dr. Marc’s Masterclass

Hosted ByDr. Marc Williams

Be ready to be encouraged and empowered and learn some of the insider life lessons from today's top industry experts. Join Dr. Marc Williams as he talks to his friends from all walks of life as they share their journey of overcoming adversity, challenges, and life lessons.

All Episodes

Marketing and the Intersection of Traditional Sports and Esports

The traditional sports industry is known for being relatively small; you...

How Esports Is Creating Opportunities in the Traditional Sports World

The traditional sports industry is known for being relatively small; you...

How Gaming is Changing Kids’ Lives

One of the many things that changed around video games is...

How the Education System Is Changing

In the past, professors and educators were seen as information sources;...

Building a Community One Business at a Time With Kiyundra Jones

Although Oak Cliff is a neighborhood where more than 66% of...

Doing Things With Games With Lindsay Grace

When it comes to turning our passion for video games into...

The Role of Higher Education in Esports With Dr. Glenn Platt and Dr. Phil Alexander

What does it take to make a great game? Dr. Glenn...

Fueling Esports Elite Athletes With Josh Otero

Esports doesn’t require its athletes to lift heavy weights, sprint, or...

Resiliency and Esports With John Davidson

The esports and gaming industry offers a broad set of possibilities...