Digital and Immersive Content With Dante Simpson
From all the business models available, something we don’t see very often is one created from a community perspective. That is what ESPAT TV is about, to allow the talent to become the voice.
Dante Simpson, CEO and Co-Founder of ESPAT TV, believes that as gaming and esports changed the way we consume content, it is time to push the boundaries and change the style stories are told in the gaming and esports community.
In this episode, Dante shares his experience in the Gucci Group that helped him understand the concept of building a brand and how those teachings helped him develop his own company. He brilliantly explained how to build bridges between consumers and brands and how he’d apply that principle to any industry. We also talked about the future of gaming and esports content creation and what we can expect in the following months from ESPAT TV.
To connect with Dante, visit LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dante-simpson/
Dante’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dsa_boss/?hl=es
ESPAT Media website: https://www.espat.ai/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/espatmedia?lang=es
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/espatmedia/?hl=es
ESPAT TV website: https://www.espat.tv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EspatTv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/espattv/?hl=es
To follow John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/J0hnDavids0n
The DLC Drop Podcast is part of the Esports Futuri Podcast network. To see this show, and all of our other shows, visit: https://EsportsFPN.com
Full Episode Breakdown:
1:44 – Dante talks a bit about his beginnings as an accountant and how he learned that wasn’t his passion.
3:40 – Dante discovers his passion while working under the Gucci Group umbrella.
6:23 – Dante shares his experience working in Italy.
9:22 – Dante explains why bringing two entities together for him is like being a marriage counselor.
12:46 – Joe & The Juice on a napkin, how ESPAT and ESPAT TV started.
15:05 – A picture telling a million words. What ESPAT TV is about.
19:08 – Dante talks about what the future looks like for esports and gaming content.
23:34 – What is the difference between Call Of Duty regular and competitive players? Dante explains the market’s opportunities are.
27:39 – The eyeballs effect. Dante explains the impact of the pandemic on the content creation market.
31:57 – We talk about what will happen to digital and immersive content when live events return.
34:32 – Dante explains ESPAT TV’s work with its partners in a global appeal.
39:27 – Dante talks about ESPAT TV’s alignment with storytelling and its relationship with its creatives teams.