Following A Dream and Passion For Esports With Marco Mereu
From an entrepreneurial perspective, Marco Mereu believes that gaming companies should aim to identify the industry’s issues, go hard at them, and find a way to add value for both the company and the users.
Looking at a pile of real estate files on his desk, and after seven years working with intellectual property in his law firm, Marco decided to shut down his company and pursue his passion in the gaming industry.
In this episode, Marco Mereu, Co-Founder and COO of XSET, shares his journey of transitioning from running a law firm to become an entrepreneur in the gaming industry. They also talk about different ways of getting into the gaming industry, content creation for gaming companies, and how working in what we are passionate about can make us go the extra mile effortlessly.
To connect with Marco, visit LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcomereu/
Marco’s Twitter account: https://twitter.com/mfmereu
Marco’s Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/mfmereu
XSET Website: https://xset.com/
To follow John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/J0hnDavids0n
Full Episode Breakdown:
2:31 – The beginning of a journey. A typical day in the office felt like it had to be the last one.
7:01 – Alternative ways to paying Facebook and Google ads to attract users into his games
11:23 – Figuring out what kind of content gamers want to watch
14:16 – You don’t have to do something that appears to be super specific to esports or gaming; you can have any expertise and apply that to the gaming industry.
17:12 – Sometimes you must do the job that pays your bills, but while you do it, try and go after what you’re passionate about and start paying bills with that passion
21:09 – Looking at a specific problem and build a company around it to fix that problem
25:20 – Creating a lot of enemies in the industry for not writing scripts to influencers
28:38 – Running out of money and being forced to shut a company right after figuring out how to make tons of money with it
33:14 – A piece of advice for entrepreneurs who are not sure if they should keep insisting on a company that looks like it’ll never grow
38:12 – Taking another colossal step; how XSET was born
44:30 – Play games, watch other people play games, and watch Netflix. The three things that kids do nowadays
50:27 – Games and the gaming industry, in general, are in constant change, and you need to be prepared for it