How Venture Capitalists Are Evaluating Esports Companies
Investing in disruptive ideas is betting on massively changing people’s lives and how they see and interact with the world or revolutionizing an entire industry. Yet identifying a disruptive idea’s potential can be tricky.
After over two decades as a sports tech venture capitalist, Wayne Kimmel has a clear idea of how to spot ideas that might create a massive impact.
Today, he joins John Davidson to share his knowledge on venture capital and esports, brands’ copy/paste approach, and how to generate revenue in esports.
Wayne also explains the differences between traditional sports and competitive gaming and why marketing thought for the NBA, NFL, or NHL doesn’t work in esports.
Wayne is a Managing Partner at SeventySix Capital and is constantly looking for the next, next thing.
To know more about Wayne and SeventySix Capital, visit:
SeventySix Capital website: https://www.seventysixcapital.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/waynekimmel/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waynekimmel/?hl=es
Twitter: https://twitter.com/waynekimmel
Full Episode Breakdown:
1:23 – What is SeventySix Capital, and who is a good fit for them.
8:13 – How do Wayne and his team identify entrepreneurs willing to push the limits.
13:09 – The differences between traditional sports and esports from an investor perspective.
19:13 – Tech knowledge became everyday life skills. How esports entrepreneurs see entrepreneurship.
26:47 – Wayne talks about the effects of the pandemic on the gaming and esports industry no one is considering.
31:41 – Wayne talks about where he sees gaming and esports heading.
35:20 – John and Wayne talk about the importance for brands to avoid a marketing copy/paste approach to esports.
42:34 – Wayne shares his thoughts on the future of esports betting.
47:04 – John and Wayne talk about the industry’s chance of changing of people perceive esports and gaming.