Leading Innovation With Susan Paley
From the CEO of Beats by Dre to the CEO of DropLabs, Susan Paley has a lot to share about leading innovative and cutting edge companies. In this episode, John welcomes Susan to discuss work culture, leadership, innovation, problem-solving, and running a business.
She shares how entrepreneurs need these traits before influencing their employees. Susan also shares her new company, DropLabs, on this episode with John.
Aimed for gaming enthusiasts, DropLabs creates shoes that provide a profound experience for physical and cognitive gamers alike. Join John on this episode as he looks forward to this new brand’s success while sharing ideas with an experienced CEO of a global brand.
Connect with Susan and her new company here:
Susan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/SusanPaley/
DropLabs website: https://DropLabs.com/
DropLabs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DropLabs/
DropLabs Twitter: https://twitter.com/DropLabsEP
To follow John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/J0hnDavids0n
Full episode breakdown:
00:00 John introduces Susan Paley, former CEO of Beats by Dr. Dre, current CEO of DropLabs
02:14 Susan telling her origin story in LA and her innovative business background
04:10 How communication skills are necessary to get her through her career
06:25 Discussion about silos and how they work for companies
09:24 Susan emphasizes the challenges of getting a large company to innovate
12:04 Two kinds of leaders that Susan met and how knowing them is essential for a team to have aligned goals
16:13 Susan answers how positive culture makes a corporation successful
19:27 Discussion about knowing more about teammates and how it affects your output and career
21:50 Susan’s plans for the future, ideas, and experience about brands and creativity
25:02 Discussion about resourcefulness and adaptability
28:29 The importance of packaging and how it adds value to the customer experience
31:23 How a product, like headphones, became a fashion statement, and how innovators should take note of it
35:13 Discussion about how innovators should solve human issues and provide a profound experience using their product
43:24 Difference between planning and execution in the eyes of an innovator, and how self-care plays a part
46:05 John and Susan discussing how the length of a workday affects the business
48:58 Susan’s point of view about hiring people
50:26 What innovation to watch for on Susan’s new company
52:39 How to connect with DropLabs