The Power of Community – Josh Otero
Have a seat and learn to prioritize your health and wellness with Josh Otero!
Excelling in sports requires healthy cognitive abilities, which is achievable through having sound well-being. Josh Otero, CEO, and Founder of NutriGMR and well-being expert, is announcing the release of NutriGMR, an energy drink that provides added benefit.
Josh discusses it with John as they talk about how a community should benefit its members. He also shares his origin story in finance and fitness and how it brought him to build a community and create this product. Although being successful in making money, Josh also shared his struggles, where he obtained the ideas that brought him to this point.
Interested in connecting with Josh?
Visit him here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/Joshotero/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oterofit
NutriGMR Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/NutriGMR/
NutriGMR website: https://nutrigmr.com/
To follow John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/J0hnDavids0n
Full Episode Breakdown
00:15 – John introduces Josh Otero, CEO, and founder of NutriGMR and well-being expert, and tells his origin story and finance background
04:46 – How Josh carried health and wellbeing through his life journey
07:21 – How Josh pursued this passion in finance together with health and wellness and sharing life lessons with John
11:44 – Josh telling experience, purpose, pros and cons of owning a gym
15:51 – Josh telling what he felt and what he did when he struggled as a gym owner
19:17 – Discussing what Josh did to train his mind to get back on track after failures and disappointments
26:15 – Discussing the journey about how Josh and his team started to launch his health and wellness product into the esports world
28:45 – How important is mental health for esports and how energy drinks work for cognitive athletes
32:30 – Discussion about how successful business focuses on community rather than pushing products to people
36:05 – Josh discussing how he is building a community that provides a safe space and other benefits, including health and wellness for physical and mental aspects
40:28 – Tips for people who are planning to build a successful and beneficial community
44:07 – Josh’s plan on launching his product this year
46:35 – How gaming is transforming people and boosting their well-being through joining a community